Cryotherapy Benefits Romsey | Cryotherapy Hampshire

Cryotherapy Benefits
Romsey, Hampshire

Explore the cryotherapy benefits and see why so many people are benefiting from using a cryo chamber.


What are the Cryotherapy Benefits?

Our treatment has a range of potential benefits that it can provide to just about anyone. This is broken down into several areas. These are beauty, performance and health and wellness. Throughout each of these areas, there are a variety of cryotherapy benefits for the human body.

There are an incredible amount of benefits that come from the process. Many top sporting athletes use cryotherapy to increase their recovery speed. This can help them get the very best performance from themselves. In fact, it’s been proven to aid with blood circulation, lymph draining, reducing pain and also muscle stress. If you’re looking for every last inch of sporting performance, our cryo-chamber could be what you need.

However, cryotherapy benefits aren’t just for athletes. There’s a whole range of physical benefits that everyone can benefit from. Many customers use it to help relieve pain and reduce injuries. In much the same way a chiropractor can, our cryo-chambers can help to relieve muscle pain. By providing an anti inflammatory response, you could find immediate and long lasting relief.




Healthy Skin

Beauty Benefits

Many customers are using cold therapy to combat the effects of ageing and help retain beauty benefits. One of the best cryotherapy benefits in this area is to do with collagen production. Collagen is the protein in skin that allows it to keep its elasticity. The more collagen and elasticity you have, the smoother your skin will appear. That’s why cryo treatment can have a big impact on your beauty.

While many use the treatment to reduce the effects of ageing, it can also be used to treat skin conditions. Cryotherapy benefits occur by tricking your body into thinking it is under attack. After this occurs, your body will go into overdrive to replenish the materials it thinks it’s lost. This can be an effective treatment for skin conditions, helping the body repair itself naturally.

Anti Ageing

Cryotherapy benefits can include anti ageing. With increased collagen production, it can help you to gain firmer, younger looking skin.

Skin Conditions

If you have a skin condition, cryotherapy benefits could be exactly what you need. It’ll help your body repair itself, helping to treat the condition.

Reduce Scars

Cryotherapy benefits include reducing some scarring, if used regularly. This does depend on body type and the affected area.

Obliterate spider veins

When in the cryo chamber you expose your superficial veins to below freezing. In response, your superficial blood vessels constrict, pushing blood away from the cold surface to the warmth of the viscera, and shrinking your varicose and spider veins.

Plump your facial Collagen

It can also be a fantastic tool to help you fight the signs of ageing, such as hair loss, saggy skin and even wrinkles. This is because cryotherapy can help your body to produce a higher level of collagen which is a vital protein for your skin and hair. Regular sessions can help your skin to look brighter and more youthful and can help it to retain elasticity.

Destroy Fat Cells

Cold therapy can help to burn fat cells. This process is done by your body working harder in the chamber. This process increases your metabolic rate helping you to burn calories faster. This even works after the treatment. Burning anywhere between 300-800

Sports Recovery

Performance Benefits

Many athletes are turning to cryo chambers to get the maximum performance out of themselves. Shown to improve recovery speed, cryotherapy benefits can help you to train harder. These cryotherapy benefits will help you get the most out of your sporting performance, pushing you further and driving the very best performance. From better fatigue recovery to reduced pain and inflammation, you’ll be able to push harder.

There have been studies that show post exercise recovery can be anywhere up to five times more effective with whole body cryotherapy. But the cryotherapy benefits don’t stop there. It also promotes body efficiency, potentially helping you to burn fat and gain muscle quicker. A lot of the general wellbeing effects, such as better sleep, will also help you to get the most out of your training.

Quicker Recovery

One of the main sporting cryotherapy benefits is that you will be able to recover from exercise much more efficiently. This will allow you more training sessions.

Reduced Muscle Pain

With an anti-inflammatory effect, cryo treatments can help to reduce the amount of pain after training. This cryotherapy benefit could mean you can get back to exercise sooner.

Body Efficiency

Making your body perform better by simulating attack, cryotherapy benefits include increased body efficiency. This will help you to train to your maximum potential.

Improves sleep patterns

Cryotherapy benefits have been shown to improve sleep patterns. This will increase the production of certain hormones, helping your sleep cycles.

Feel Good Factor

Cold therapy helps your brain to release benefitting hormones, boosting those feel good factors.

Improves blood circulation

This reduces the blood flow to a particular area, which can significantly reduce swelling and inflammation, an additional cryotherapy benefit.


Health & Wellness

Health and wellness are two of the most important aspects of our lives. Cryotherapy benefits can have a big impact on your personal health and wellbeing, ensuring your body is in the best shape it can be. Whole body cryotherapy is particularly effective in stimulating your body to its peak performance. It can even enhance your immune system, helping your body fight off illness and infections.

Beyond the physical, cryotherapy benefits also stretch into your mental health and wellbeing. This can make a massive difference on both your physical health and also your state of mind. Cryo treatment has been shown to help when it comes to insomnia, depression and anxiety, as well as all their physical benefits.

Immune System

Increasing blood circulation, removing toxins, improving white blood cell count, increasing blood cell circulation and reducing cortisol levels are some of the ways cryotherapy benefits can help boost the immune system.

Mental Wellbeing

The release of specific psychological hormones can have a positive effect on those experiencing mood disorders like anxiety & depression.

Pain Relief

For arthritis and other types of specific pain, our cryo chamber will help provide the body with anti inflammatory and anti oxidant effects as it helps to shrink blood vessels.

Sleep & Relaxation

The cold temperature increases the production of the bodies hormones. This can improve your sleep and activates your REM sleep cycle, yet another cryotherapy benefit.

Morning after cure

The process can hydrate your cells and provide fresh oxygen right away. It can help push harmful toxins to your lymphatic system for removal.

Weight Loss

When exposed to the cold, the brain tells the rest of the body to rush blood to your vital organs for health and protection, therefore boosting your metabolism and helping your body to burn calories.

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Book an Appointment

Cryotherapy will activate your body’s natural defences called the “fight or flight” mode, releasing a rush of endorphins, stimulating the immune system and initiating the regeneration process in your body.

So, if you are keen to see your own cryotherapy benefits and improve your overall health, well-being or alternative pain relief or weight loss, why not give the treatment a go and book now?

Our team of professional staff will provide you with all the guidance and suitable clothing for your session, all you need to do is turn up!

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Asked Questions

Take a look through some of our frequently asked questions around cryotherapy benefits.

  • Can it help me train harder?
    • By reducing your recovery time between exercise sessions, cryotherapy benefits can include allowing you to train more frequently.

  • Is the process good for the skin?
    • By promoting collagen production, it can help to return elasticity to your skin, helping to reduce the effects of ageing.

  • Can treatment make you feel better?
    • The cryotherapy benefits don’t stop at the physical. It can also have a huge impact on your mental wellbeing, helping you with sleep deprivation, anxiety and depression.

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