What is Cryotherapy? | How Does Cryotherapy Work?
9 November 2021

What is Cryotherapy and How Does it Work?

What is Cryotherapy and How Does it Work?

Cryotherapy is a new form of treatment that is becoming increasingly popular across the UK. Even so, many are still unfamiliar with what the treatment is and the potential health benefits it could have. In this article, we’ll explore just what cryotherapy is and how it works.

What is Cryotherapy?

For many, when they hear the word cryo, the brain jumps to images of people being frozen. While the treatment does use incredibly cold temperatures to work, it has nothing to do with freezing people. Cryotherapy is simply the application of extreme cold temperature in order to get the body to respond in a certain way. By tricking the body into thinking it’s under attack, the treatment is intended to produce a number of benefits for the body.

There are two main types of cryotherapy: full body and local treatment. Here at CryoFix Wellness, we use full body chambers to offer a comprehensive service to our customers. This will apply the treatment to the entirety of the body to produce the greatest effect. The theory is the process aids tissues regeneration as well as circulation, fatigue and even the skin.

But How Does Cryotherapy Work?

Cryotherapy or cold therapy works by exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures. For a period of up to two minutes, your body will be exposed to the freezing cold temperatures, triggering a reaction.

Depending on what the treatment is for, these reactions and the desired outcomes can vary massively. Many people use cryotherapy treatment for aesthetic reasons, with the theory being the process restores the skins natural elasticity and youthful look. Others will use the process as a treatment for aches and pains throughout the body in an effort to relieve pain and promote recovery.

What is the Process?

Despite sounding complicated, the actual application of cryotherapy is extremely simple. Before entering the chamber, customers will have to wear appropriate clothing (swimwear or underwear). They then enter the chamber, where they are exposed to temperatures as low as -120°C. They’ll stay here for two minutes, at which point the cryo treatment will finish. And that’s all there is to it!

How can I get Started?

If you would like to get started with your very own cryotherapy, you’re in the right place! CryoFix Wellness offer personalised and high quality cryotherapy treatments for customers to aid relief from a variety of conditions. Book your very own appointment online today!

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